Vineet Kumar, Yale School of Management
Here are my research papers, including published and working papers. Feedback is always welcome. If you'd like to see work in progress, please feel free to email me at:
Publications and Papers in Advanced Review
Nonparametric Pricing Bandits Leveraging Informational Externalities to Learn the Demand Curve, with Ian Weaver and Lalit Jain, Accepted at (Marketing Science)
A Theory-Based Explainable Deep Learning Architecture for Music Emotion, with Hortense Fong and K. Sudhir, Forthcoming at (Marketing Science)
Generative Interpretable Visual Design: Using Disentanglement for Visual Conjoint Analysis, with Ankit Sisodia and Alex Burnap, Forthcoming at (Journal of Marketing Research)
Can Random Friends Seed More Buzz and Adoption? Leveraging the Friendship Paradox, with K. Sudhir, Forthcoming at (Management Science)
Estimating Demand for Subscriptions: Identifying Willingness to Pay without Price Variation, with Cheng Chou, (Marketing Science) (2024)
On the Friendship Paradox and Inversity: A Network Property with Applications to Privacy-sensitive Network Interventions, with David Krackhardt and Scott Feld, (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) 121 (30)
(Link to PNAS)
Health Care Workers' Reluctance to
Take the Covid-19 Vaccine: A Consumer-
Marketing Approach to Identifying and
Overcoming Hesitancy, with Brita Roy and Arjun Venkatesh, (New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst) (2020)
Designing Pricing Strategy for Operational and Technological Change, with Yacheng Sun, (Management Science) (2020) (PDF)
Estimating Dynamic Discrete Choice Models with Aggregate Data: Properties of the Inclusive Value Approximation, with Tim Derdenger, (Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Lead Article) (2019)
Linear Estimation of Aggregate Dynamic Discrete Demand for Durable Goods without the Curse of Dimensionality, with Cheng Chou and Tim Derdenger (Marketing Science) (2019)
Match Your Own Price? Self-Matching as a Multichannel Retailer's Pricing Strategy, with Pavel Kireyev and Elie Ofek (Marketing Science) (2017)
Commentary on "Predicting Customer Value using Clumpiness," with Kannan Srinivasan (Marketing Science) (2015) (PDF)
Structural models of Complementary Choices, with Steve Berry, Ahmed Khwaja, Andres Musalem, Ken Wilbur, Greg Allenby, Bharat Anand, Pradeep Chintagunta, Michael Hanemann, Przemek Jeziorski and Angelo Mele. [Choice Symposium Invited Submission] (Marketing Letters) (2014) (PDF)
Making Freemium Work, Vineet Kumar (Harvard Business Review) (2014)
The Dynamic Effects of Bundling as a Product Strategy, with Tim Derdenger (Marketing Science, Lead Article) (2013) (PDF)
Competitive Product Strategy for Open Source Software, with Brett Gordon and Kannan Srinivasan. (Marketing Science) (2011) (PDF)
Working Papers
(in various stages of revision, please e-mail for latest, see CV for details)
Spatial Distribution of Access to Service: Theory and Evidence from Ridesharing, with Soheil Ghili and Fei Teng
Designing Freemium: Strategic Balancing of Growth and Monetization, with Clarence Lee and Sunil Gupta
Unveiling the Impact of Within-Content Engagement Information: Evidence from a Natural Experiment on YouTube, with Keyan Zhu
Fairness for AUC via Feature Augmentation, with Hortense Fong, Anay Mehrotra and Nisheeth Vishnoi
Monetizing Serialized Content: How ``Wait for Free'' Impacts Paid and Free Consumption, with Peter Lee and K. Sudhir
Market Structure Mapping with Visual Characteristics, with Ankit Sisodia and Alex Burnap
Designing Plans on Digital Platforms: Insights from a Field Experiment, with Ian Weaver and Sreelata Jonnalagedda